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Fieldstone Gardens

Malus 'Sweet Sixteen'

Malus 'Sweet Sixteen'

Regular price $72.85 USD
Regular price Sale price $72.85 USD
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 Malus 'Sweet Sixteen'                                                                                                                 (Apple) Medium-sized red striped apple with crisp, juicy texture. Excellent sweet, unusual flavor - like cherry candy. Outstanding dessert apple. Fire blight resistant. Can be slow to come into bearing - better on dwarf rootstock. MNRC. Good success in zone 3b. Height varies, Z4-7.

Photo: Bailey Nurseries

Perennials are available for shipping. Shipping begins in April, weather dependent. During the hottest parts of the summer, we will pause shipping. Notifications will be posted here and on Social Media. Due to their growth habits, peonies are only shipped in the fall, beginning in September (weather dependent). Orders can be place anytime and will be held until shipping. Trees, shrubs and Garden shop items are available for pick up only.

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