Wild Sods
Wild Sods
Wild sods are a great way to add beauty to your landscape. Priced per square foot. Pick up only (Not available for shipping)
Lowbush Blueberry Sod- Native to northeastern U.S. Spreads by seed and rhizomes. Transplants will gradually form colonies. Lustrous blue-green medicinal foliage is good in teas and turns an amazing combination of bronze, orange and scarlet in the fall. Zones 3-7.
Hay Scented Fern Sod - A perfect plant to prevent erosion, it’s a very tough, fast spreading, lacy fern. It adapts to drier soil as well as damp soil. Fine textured, it has a fresh spring green color. It is a medium grower to about 15″ and is from the Bracken Fern family. The crushed fronds do actually have the scent of fresh hay! The golden fall color is a bonus. Zones 3-8.
Perennials are available for shipping. Trees, shrubs and Garden shop items are available for pick up only.
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